Neighborhood Partnerships (NP) and Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) are pleased to announce a Request for Proposals (RFP) to fund continuing Oregon IDA Program services for the 2024-25 program year. These funds are made possible through the sale of the 2023 Oregon IDA Tax Credit. 

NP and OHCS will be accepting proposals from current Fiduciary Organizations (FOs). A full list of current FOs can be found here.  

2024 IDA Total Funding Amount 

Initiative partners are aware that the total funding amount for this RFP will be a sharp decline in funding as compared to recent years. The final amount to grant as part of this RFP will be determined after March 1st, to consider all IDA tax credit donations received through the end of February 2024. IDA tax credit donations made on or after March 1st, 2024 will be incorporated into a future round of funding. If additional funds are allocated to the IDA Initiative through the 2024 legislative session, they will not be awarded as part of this RFP. 

2024 RFP Timeline 

How to submit the 2024 IDA Request for Proposals   

Use the RFP Submission Portal which will require the following steps: 

Please find links below to the following resources: 

Submissions are due by 2/23/2024 at 5pm PT 


Please contact Luke Bonham, IDA Program Manager at