2025 Tax Credits Will Be Available Starting March 1st

Click here to sign up for updates about 2025 tax credit availability.

The Oregon IDA Initiative brings state resources to support financial stability and wealth building among Oregonians with lower incomes, working to ensure an equitable and statewide impact in communities historically and systemically excluded from economic opportunities.

With your help, we can ensure that every Oregonian finds the safety of a home, the promise of education, or the opportunity to see their business flourish.

By making a gift today, 90% of your community-changing contribution is returned to you in Oregon State Tax Credits, while the remaining 10% can be written off as a charitable contribution.

2024 IDA Tax Credits are available until April 15th, 2025. As long as your gift arrives before we reach the statutory limit or Tax Day 2025 (whichever comes first), we can issue 2024 Tax Credits. 

Important Information for All Donors

    • The Oregon Dept. of Revenue requires that we collect donor Social Security Numbers or Employee Identification Numbers.
    • There is a $500,000 limit on tax credits an individual can claim on contributions per return filed. That would be a contribution of $555,555. Gifts in excess of this limit can be carried forward for three years.
    • The tax credit rate for all donations is 90%.

    Nearly your entire donation is returned to you in Oregon State tax credits (90%) to offset your tax liability. For many IDA donors, their gift of stock leads to personal financial gain in addition to their community-changing gift.

    Our Stock Donation Benefit Estimator tool can help show you how much you could save by giving appreciated stock to the Oregon IDA Initiative.

    Use the Stock Donation Benefit Estimator

    Tax Credits Remaining

    What is an IDA?

    The IDA Initiative builds financial assets and supports Oregonians living on low incomes to build hope, financial stability and the assets needed to thrive. Savers use IDA matching money to increase the power of their own savings to reach self-determined financial goals. The coalition of providers that make up the IDA Initiative work alongside savers to address the needs and visions coming from communities most impacted by an inequitable economy. IDA providers partner with savers by offering community-based support, information about financial systems, and matching money.  

    Your contribution creates stories of hope, progress and resilience. See IDA savers stories here.

    Need assistance?

    Check out our FAQs and/or reach out via email or phone (503-226-3001 ext. 1) with any questions!

    Frequently Asked Questions


    Click here to read the latest IDA annual evaluation report.

    How does the Tax Credit Work?

    How does the tax credit work?
    The Oregon IDA Initiative is funded by the Oregon IDA Tax Credit.
    Click on image to see bigger version

    Oregon contributors may receive up to a 90% tax credit on their Oregon state returns for contributions made. This means the Initiative gets $1 of investment for every 90 cents or less in tax credits. As a donor, this tax credit can be used to offset your Oregon personal income tax liability.


    What is my tax credit rate?
    For contributions by check, wire transfer, or donations of stock/mutual funds, your tax credit rate is 90%. Credit card contributions will also be at 90% as we absorb credit card processing fees to encourage donations that minimize paper handling.

    How do the recent changes to the federal IRS codes impact IDA donors?
    When you donate to the Initiative, you receive a state tax credit that can be used to offset your Oregon income tax liability. Please note that as of June 2019, the IRS has clarified that when you receive this state tax credit, you may only claim for a charitable deduction on your federal return the portion of your donation that you DO NOT receive a state tax credit for. For example, if you donate $1,000 and receive a 90% state tax credit ($900), you may only claim the 10% ($100) you do not receive the tax credit for as a charitable contribution on your federal return. You can learn more here. We strongly encourage you to consult with your CPA or tax advisor about any specific questions as we are unable to give tax advice.

    What else do I need to know?
    Please talk to your tax advisor about the particular impacts of the Oregon IDA tax credit on your situation. Depending on your personal circumstances, and especially if you do not pay significant state income tax or property tax, benefits to you may be higher.


    Read some success stories!

    Cyrstal Granger, Portland, Education IDA
    Tanya Golden, North Plains, Business IDA
    Courtney Nolta, La Pine, Home Purchase IDA
    Jenifer Crow, Lyons, Vehicle IDA

    Tax Credits Remaining