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Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) offer matching cash for asset building, information about financial systems, and community-based support for Oregonians with low to moderate incomes. Participants use IDA match dollars to leverage the power of their own savings in support of their financial goals. Match amounts and asset goals vary by saver, with timelines ranging from 6 months to 3+ years.
For over 20 years, the coalition of partners that make up the IDA Initiative have worked to act on the solutions coming from communities most impacted by an inequitable economy. The result is a community-affirmed program, centered in racial equity, that supports Oregonians to exercise greater self-determination and make meaningful improvements to their financial well-being. Working with culturally responsive and culturally specific service providers, IDAs offer a holistic solution that can help households address their complex financial lives, overcome emergency challenges, protect employment and income, and invest in wealth-building assets.
On behalf of Oregon’s Department of Housing and Community Services and Department of Revenue, the statewide nonprofit Neighborhood Partnerships (NP) manages funds, leads the strategic direction of the Initiative, evaluates outcomes, and supports the IDA-related work of partner organizations. NP works directly with contributors and accepts all donations on behalf of the Initiative. Contributions are eligible for an Oregon IDA Tax Credit.