Today, the Oregon IDA Initiative is excited to release the 2011 Year End Evaluation. The report again indicates positive, long term changes to financial habits of IDA Participants, plus demonstrates the benefits of assets such as a home, an education, or a small business. Oregon is home to one of the largest IDA Initiatives in the county. Funded by a state tax credit, the program is currently serving over 2800 Oregonians as they learn financial skills and save for the purchase of an asset such as a home, a micro-enterprise, or an education. Conducted by the Portland State University’s Regional Research Institute, the evaluation report includes data on IDA accounts opened between January 2008 and December 2011, including data on over 1,100 graduates. The report again indicates positive, long term changes to financial habits of IDA Participants, plus demonstrates the benefits of assets such as a home, an education, or a small business. The full evaluation report can be viewed here. Also available is a recent news story about the evaluation report, including an interview with a program graduate.